Blog 4 – Cunnamulla to Birdsville

It was time to hit the road, Birdsville bound for the Big Red Bash.  Our convoy of two is now three with Gary and Kelvin joining us.  

Tonight saw us camping at Toompine Pub.  Perhaps Cunnamulla didn’t  want us to leave as the weather turned and it began crying from the sky.  It wasn’t too heavy, just enough to ensure the red mud would stick to your boots.  It didn’t slow us down though and we headed across to the pub for a few bevvies and dinner.  By the time we finished dinner the rain had passed and we enjoyed sitting around the fire. 

Next leg took us to Cooper Creek.  Great drive, stopping at Quilpie on the way for a local pie and a few last minute supplies.  We have spotted several emus during our travels and today I was lucky enough to get a picture and to say I was stoked with that is an understatement.

I also got a shot of the road trains, loaded with cattle, ready to head off.  Happy that we got in front of them.  Road trains out here are 53m long!

Coopers Creek was awesome and we camped on the creek bank.  Had a fantastic night sitting around the fire with friends.  It was here that our little group grew to 4 vehicles with Jo and Wayne joining us.

Day 3 on this section and we drove to Betoota, camping out back of the pub.  I had another drive today and like red wine I am getting better with age.  I drove the dirt section and it was in pretty good nick with them working on it at the moment, so it can only get better.  The pub is another iconic piece of the outback and we enjoyed the hospitality of the $5 beers meeting like minded travellers heading to the bash or the dessert.

Final travel day of this leg and we hit the big metropolis of Birdsville after stopping along the way for a load of firewood.  Can never have too much firewood!  I have been so excited to get back to Birdsville, Fred and I just love it out here on the cusp of the mighty Simpson Dessert.  We set up camp on The Common, which is not too busy just yet.  We have had some awesome nights here in our lead up to head out to the Bash site.  Fred even cleaned the dust off the side of the truck and we had a movie night – life is so bloody great enjoying our wonderful country and friends. 

Of course we wandered into town to support the local community and may of ended up in the Birdsville Pub for quiet refreshment or three, wink wink.  

Stay tuned………

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