As we approach the pointy end of our build, about 8 weeks to take off, we went through our checklist of jobs. Even though we are ticking off, we continue to add new items and the list seems to remain at a status quo. While we have the physical evidence of the big jobs, there are so many small bits and pieces to finish off that all seem to take time.

This week we finally lucked out and sourced wheel nuts that fit our new Super Single front wheels. We were at the stage that we thought we may be sending the wheels back. What we considered would be simple became a lengthy, bash your head against a brick wall process and 3rd time lucky we managed to get wheel nuts that fit. Even though we had the part number for the nuts all along, we struggled to convince our suppliers. In the end, Fred provided them with the contact details of the company that had the nuts and with a sceptical outlook they relented and contacted them. Well what do you know, it worked and we are relieved to now have our wheels firmly attached.

Following on from our roof rack install, Fred fabricated a ladder that will attach to the cab behind the passenger door for access. He has now finished this and is waiting on me to paint it to allow it to be fitted. This is a job on the list for completion this week.

A few weeks ago we purchased 2 big ass winches to install front and back of the vehicle. These bad boys weigh a hefty 35kg each and have a 10 ton capacity. On the weekend, he fitted the winch to the back and it fitted like a glove in the spot allocated. This was a lucky break, but hey we will take any wins we get.

We also took delivery of our 270 degree awning a couple of weeks ago and while we had a mate visiting, took advantage of his help and attached it to the back. I was particularly grateful as it would of been me trying to help out otherwise and it has a bit of weight to it. Thanks Gilly! We always wanted to attach our awning to the back of the vehicle and not the sides as is the norm, as we were concerned that if mounted to the side it had the potential to be ripped off on our wild travels. Thus the 270 degree awning which provides shade across the 2.4 metre back of the truck as well as a hefty area down each side. I didn’t manage to get a photo with the awning out, soz, but assure everyone that when we next have it out, I’ll snap a pic and post it. We also purchased 3 wall panels which will be attached when required.

Another small job ticked off this week was to attach the original mud flaps to our new mudguards. I heard murmurs that it would be good if I painted them again to freshen them up, jury is out on that one at the moment.

On all our vehicles we have always been fascinated with the sound of the horns and whether we thought they matched the vehicle or not. Normally not. With this in mind, we purchased a ridgy didge air horn and it was attached on the weekend as well. For the first time we think we may have a horn that matches the vehicle – big and bold!
We received great news and our habitat box fit out should be done this weekend coming. So exciting! Hopefully next week I will be able to share photos of this build. With this upcoming we thought it was timely to put step treads on the steps to prevent any unwanted injuries. Hence we measured and ordered custom treads which will up at the end of the week.
The excitement continues, stay tuned………