With COVID there is a heavy demand on the postal/delivery services. A big shout out to all those guys and gals who have been working tirelessly for months now supporting us all by bringing all our goodies directly to our door.

Well we scored big this week with deliveries arriving every other day. Here is a quick overview of what we received and where it now lives in our bus.
Firstly our cooktop –

We are going gas as we have always had gas and have never had a problem. I know that some people steer clear of having any gas at all in their motorhome/caravan and I respect that. We will be installing a monitor to be assured there are no unknown leaks. In all honesty I just love “cooking with gas” pardon the old pun. Originally I was only going to have a 2 burner as it is all I need but I was concerned with the distance between burners as I will use both at once and wasn’t sure it there was enough space to have the large pan/wok and a steamer pot on at the same time. We then researched a 3 burner to give the extra spacing luxury but the price of these are over the top and we could get a 4 burner for much cheaper – so 4 burner it is!
Our next delivery was our smart TV. Again we had to research to ensure that the TV wasn’t too deep to fit in the allocated spot. Fred is beaut at research and found us a ripper for just over $200. He attached it to the televator (this is a new word I have learnt during this process), and hey presto it works a charm. With just a click of a button we can have it magically appear from the cupboard and just as easily hide it away when we are using it. Being a smart TV it has all the bells and whistles allowing us to watch Netflix, Utube, play our music, connect our laptop should we desire, the list goes on. Fred is particularly stoked at this find.

Our urine separator arrived as well, all the way from the UK. It’s amazing at what you can get excited about! Plus our cupboard handles/latches. These auto lock into place to ensure that when driving the doors/drawers don’t swing open.

Other achievements for the week are installing the shelving and hanging the doors above the bed, cutting the bench top for the sink and cooktop, hanging the pantry door and completing the shower ready to connect the water. Our shower is so impressive, plenty big enough for two – in the interests of saving water of course…..nudge nudge wink wink!

Finally, the pièce de résistance, our pilots chairs arrived. We are so happy with them. Not only are they in excellent condition, we got them for a fraction of the price of the original ones we were looking at. They are the 2nd row seats out of a Honda Oddessy and we got them second hand from Melbourne Auto Parts.

Fantastic purchases. Sounds like this is part of the fun. searching, ordering, waiting for the arrival and then finally installing. Do you have s a date in mind when you want/ need to have it all done by?
Hi Dee
It seems forever away but our very end date is 31 March 2022. We are hoping for earlier though!
All looks like you are really moving along xxx
Amazing progress! I feel your excitement. I look forward to reading your updates. It will be hard to leave that letterbox behind. Perhaps it could be passed on to the next generation. Cheers
Hi Colleen
Unfortunately we will have to leave the letterbox with the house when we sell. It is definitely a talking point and we have enjoyed it’s presence over the last 8 years. A great landmark when giving people directions. lol!
This is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing Gayle – I’m going to love checking in to see how things are going 🙂