Background – I found this Utube video of a guy who whacked up a sofa in minutes from a few pieces of plywood, glue and a saw. At that moment I was feeling empowered – I can do this, it will be my bit of the bus, Fred is so skilled, he does everything, this will be my contribution.
So off to Bunnings we go, plywood and glue later and we are in the shed. At this stage I had the full intention of getting a crash course in how to use the panel saw and then get into it.
How things really turned out – well Fred was just so good at it that I conned him into carrying all the big bits of timber and cutting it. I did do the glueing and to be fair there was a lot of glueing!
From this

to this

then this

lots of glueing

It getting there – glue bottle had to be refilled by now

Now it is sprayed with a couple of coats of clear and yes Fred did that as well. I did help move it to the bus. Here it is in place .

All it needs now is the cushions. This will totally be my contribution. A trip to Clark Rubber to purchase the foam and Spotlight for the fabric, then I’ll hit the sewing machine – more my fortay!
Stay tuned for the complete finished project…….