We said our goodbyes to “Merlin” last week. He was a real trooper and a fabulous initation into bus life. So much so that we are preparing for FTT (Full Time Travel), life on the road, being on perpetual holidays (you get the idea) renovating “De Busta” our 53 seater school bus and are planning to be on the road early next year.
Merlin is going to a good home, Susi from Tassie, showing tremendous faith, flew out to pick him up last week. Now Susi was flying blind as she had only seen pictures but I don’t think she was disappointed and her inaugural trip was back to the big smoke (aka Melbourne) to board the Spirit of Tasmania and head home. Susi like us, plans to sell up and live a life on the road.
We swapped stories, offered each other advice and shared a few celebratory wines to mark the changing of the guard for Merlin. Keep your eye out for Susi as she will be back to the mainland to enjoy our wonderful country. We wish Susi all the best and hope to catch up again sometime, somewhere on the road.

Good that all fell into place.