What a huge week! Last week when I left off, we were dropping the truck in for the roadworthy. Indeed we did and we are happy to report that there was nothing we didn’t anticipate. We didn’t envisage, or hoped with our fingers crossed, that there wouldn’t be much wrong and we were right. We have an air leak in the driver’s seat (and confess that we knew about this) plus the passenger side seat belt has a small fray (which we didn’t know about) so we need to replace that. All in all, win win for us! Now we will be able to transfer the truck into our name, almost 3 months after we picked her up.
As exciting as this news is, it isn’t the headline of the week. We have had the bus advertised to sell for a bit now and have had a few nibbles. This week, Vinny from Western Australia flew in to take a look. We were quietly optimistic, surely you wouldn’t fly all the way from Western Australia if you didn’t think you were definitely considering buying. Lucky for us, Vinny loved De Busta as much as we did and after hanging with us for a couple of days, doing a test drive and generally falling for our endless charisma we came to a deal. De Busta now has a new owner.

There were a few tears, on my behalf anyway, but I understand that we need to part with our beloved De Busta in order to fund our De Trucksta build. So as sad as it is to be leaving our home, it opens the next exciting door for us to now follow the dream of an adventure truck.
The weekend was busy, Saturday spent showcasing De Busta and Sunday spent emptying our stuff out to allow Vinny to move in. I thought we were living a minimalistic lifestyle but I sure moved a hell of a lot of stuff out! Full Sunday and still a bit more today but now Vinny gets to live in his new home in peace.
Now as exciting as this news is, this is only the cake. The icing is that Vinny wanted to buy a Jimny as well, so after a very brief discussion, it was a dual deal, Bus and Car. Wow we can’t believe it and admit we weren’t planning to not have a car until we had a complete truck and were driving off into the sunset. Fast forward a few months, we are now bicycle commuters.
So a new week begins, we pick up the truck from getting the roadworthy tomorrow and have been told that some of our water tanks will be ready this week but sadly not all of them. The missing tanks are the ones we wanted first – typical. We are currently in discussions as to whether we will kick in the build and deal with the missing tanks when they arrive.
So here’s a final cheers to De Busta, you are a class act and will be missed but we know you are in worthy hands. Who knows, one day De Trucksta and De Busta might just be camping alongside each other.
Stay tuned…………