It’s been another week ticking boxes. Fred is working tirelessly, spending every moment he is not at work on the truck. He has been solely responsible for everything we have done so far. It’s not just the labour but also his ability to plan all of this in his head. He is bloody amazing and if it wasn’t for his vast range of talent we would not be able to do what we are.

Early in the week he began the fitting of the tyre inflation system. This is all but done, just waiting on the power to be connected. It reminded me of a jig saw puzzle. There were hundreds of bits and pieces and methodically he put them together and attached them to the truck. He just thrives on stuff like this. As promised last week, I will dedicate a post to this fit to provide all the nitty gritty on it.
We have approved the final plan for our fit out and it is being sent to the factory for cutting. This is great news as we are hoping to have it cut prior to Easter to allow the fitting the week after. Fingers crossed!

It was time for the back rack. It has 2 main purposes, one to hold the spare wheel and the other to attach the lights. But why stop there, we have attached a small winch to lift the spare tyre up and down, some anchor points which, amongst other things, will be used to attach a clothesline when required, a spot for the number plate and a spot to hold sand tracks and we will attach the awning when we get it. This is a superior piece of gear, he even welded on bits to cable tie the wires in place. Now I see it fitted, I’ve affectionately named it “Back Rack Man”

Work continued on the steps, they are now put together and attached, complete with a door on the opening. We just need to cut some checker plate as the treads and they will be finished. They work really well but there is a bit of sideways movement when on the bottom step. We will do a bit of fine tuning once they are finished.

Our big arse winches arrived. Man are they gnarly! They weigh in at 35kg each and that is with fibre rope and are rated at 10 ton each. I was joking with Fred that we will have to find a decent tree to winch on otherwise we might pull the tree out with these big boys.

Finally for this week, we got one of the mudguards fitted. Looking very smick indeed.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for our next update………..
Fred is multifaceted phenomenon. He must have measure twice cut once down pat. He is my guiding light every time I pull out the chainsaw. But the progress is to be proud of you two.