It’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog and a lot has been going on. I flew to Melbourne and spent a week visiting the kids and a real highlight was having a 2 night sleepover with the grandy, Lincoln. Ol’ Grammy G and Lincoln were left to our own devices while the parents were away attending a wedding. What a great time we had together and what a joy he was to be around. Needless to say we probably broke a few rules but that’s what Grammies are for! Oh and yeah, I looked after the dogs and cats as well – all equally important lol!

While I was away, Fred continued the daily grind, working and then coming home to truck building. It was time to prep the 1st floor to be ready to attach to the 2nd floor. I would ring each night for the daily update – no pressure at all. The false floor will house our water tanks and some hidden storage for us to squirrel away supplies as well as the electrical cabling and pipework.

First on the agenda was to place the framework he had prebuilt and glue it down. Then place and glue the water tanks. We had purchased cable trays, so it was now time to attach these and start running the electrical wires and plumb the tanks ready to fit the false floor.

Once all of this was done, it was time to glue the floor on top. So we prepped the floor but before we could get all fancy with the glue, we had to check for leaks in the water pipes. Once the floor is on, it will not be as easy to access. We found 2 compromises but were able to fix them without any trouble. Phew, lucky we checked.

Time for glue and while it was drying Fred played with the steps. He had come up with a new idea that allowed the steps to fold up onto themselves and then in under the body. Cut, shut, think, have a sip of beer, cut another bit, change this bit, another sip and bam we have the frame for our steps. I’m impressed, my man is a genius. It will be great to get them attached with treads on to confirm they are as flash as I am boasting.

It was now time to drill holes in the false floor to match up with the pipes and wires. We also needed to cut out the bit where the steps will be and on the other side, a section where the hot water system will be installed. A bit of good guesswork and done, all exactly where it should be – wink wink.

It just gets better and better, we were now ready to put up the first wall piece. Then put up the front end first. Prep done, that is measuring, sanding the edges and cutting to size the edge joiner pieces, glue on and up she goes. Unreal, it is starting to come together! This panel I can actually manage to help lift, we are so lucky to have mates that support and help us.

Once all the glue has set, we were keen to put up the side walls. These buggers are a heck of a lot bigger measuring 6m x 2.4m. This means even moving them is a bit of a task and requires a lot of favours from friends. We are so grateful to all of our mates that, without hesitation, step up for us. Once moved out of the shed, we need to lay them flat and sand the edges for glue. Each side needs doing so it was a bit of a mission turning them over. We also had to cut angles on the front ends – this wasn’t as easy as it sounds but in the end turned out fine. All prepped so it was time to apply the glue. With all our helpers raring to go up we went with the first side wall. It required 2 up on the back and 2 on the ground and 1 roving about doing whatever was shouted at them. That was me – the rover! After a tremendous effort from everyone wall 1 up and then in no time, wall 2 up. It’s now that the size of it begins to set in. There was extra pressure with this as we were now sealing the false floor so no longer could we make last minute adjustments under there or find that missing tool that must of been left somewhere. Who knows what we will hear rattling about sometime in the future.
Stay tuned………we are now keen to get the roof on!